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The Comedy Night Dinner Event:


April 22, 2025 -  Show begins at 7:00pm

                        EVENT DETAILS (below)  &                         RESERVATION FORM (at bottom)

Featuring:  AARON CRONAN!  and special guests 

By day, Aaron Cronan is an ace attorney, bringing justice to the people! (Well, he’s at least really good at contract negotiations.) By night, Aaron is a surprisingly entertaining comedian. “Aaron is funnier on stage than you would expect,” reports an anonymous close friend.   

There is limited seating and this comedy night dinner event is sure to sell out quickly!  We highly encourage you to make your reservations early to secure your place for this fantastic food & fun!

As a courtesy to our performers and other guests, please plan to arrive early for your dinner reservation so the show can begin promptly.   

The reservation form is at the bottom of this page. 

$5/person Cover

Complete & Submit the the details below to confirm your party's dinner reservation.  Completing this form will serve as your event reservation confirmation.  If needed, we may follow as well with other information or questions as the event nears.


Please check errors in the form above
** DINNER RESERVATION CONFIRMATION ** Thank you for signing up! Your Reservation is complete. If needed, someone from our team may reach out to reconfirm details as the event gets closer. If you do not hear back, know your reservation is confirmed!